fsresGetCutList_CutListItemPart Properties |
The fsresGetCutList_CutListItemPart type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ApprovalStatusCode |
Approval Status Code of part to cut
| |
ApprovalStatusPurpose |
Approval Status Purpose of part to cut
| |
Area |
ARea of part to cut
| |
AssemblyDrawingFile |
File for Assembly Drawing
| |
AssemblyDrawingRevision |
Revision of Assembly Drawing
| |
Category |
Category of part to cut
| |
CNCFileBevelCut |
True if CNC File has a bevel
| |
CNCFileID of part to cut
| |
CNCFileMiterCut |
True if CNC File has a miter cut
| |
CNCFormat |
Format of CNC data for part to cut
| |
DrawingFile |
Drawing File that part to cut is on
| |
DrawingNumber |
Drawing Number that part to cut is on
| |
DrawingRevision |
Drawing Revision that part to cut is on
| |
InstanceNumbers |
Instance Numbers of part to cut
| |
JobNumber |
Job Number of job that part to cut is on
| |
Length |
Length of part to cut
| |
LotNumber |
Lot of part to cut
| |
MainMark |
Main mark of part to cut
| |
MainPiece |
Indicates whether this part is the main piece of the assembly.
| |
NextStation |
The next station in the route
| |
PartDrawingFile |
File for Part Drawing
| |
PartDrawingRevision |
Revision of Part Drawing
| |
PayCategory |
Pay Category of part to cut
| |
PieceMark |
Piece mark of part to cut
| |
ProductionControlID |
Production Control ID of job that part to cut is on
| |
Quantity |
Quantity of part to cut
| |
Remark |
Remark on part to cut
| |
Route |
Route on part to cut
| |
Sequence |
Sequence of part to cut
| |
SubCategory |
SubCategory of part to cut
| |
TFSStation |
The TFS station in the route
| |
Width |
Width of part to cut
See Also