fsresFabSuiteXMLResponse Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FabSuiteResponseApi
Assembly:  FabSuiteResponseApi (in FabSuiteResponseApi.dll) Version: (
[XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://www.fabsuite.com/xml/fabsuite-xml-response-v0108.xsd")]
[XmlRootAttribute("FabSuiteXMLResponse", Namespace = "http://www.fabsuite.com/xml/fabsuite-xml-response-v0108.xsd", 
	IsNullable = false)]
public class fsresFabSuiteXMLResponse

The fsresFabSuiteXMLResponse type exposes the following members.

Public methodfsresFabSuiteXMLResponse
fsresFabSuiteXMLResponse class constructor
Public propertyClose
Closes the connection to the FabSuite database. Cannot be called through a remote connection.
Public propertyCloseRemote
Closes a remote connection.
Public propertyCNCData
Retrieves the CNC data for the specified parts. An XMLWarning element will be included in the response if no CNC file has been loaded for a requested piece mark.
Public propertyConnect
Establishes a connection to the FabSuite database. Cannot be called through a remote connection
Public propertyConnectRemote
Establishes a remote connection.
Public propertyCostCode_Delete
Deletes one or more cost codes.
Public propertyCostCode_Get
Gets the cost codes.
Public propertyCostCode_Upsert
Insert or update a cost code.
Public propertyCreateInventoryLocationSweep
Creates a location sweep for the given location.
Public propertyDeleteInspectionTestRecord
Deletes the given inspection test record.
Public propertyDrawing_Delete
Public propertyDrawing_Get
Public propertyDrawing_Insert
Public propertyDrawing_Update
Public propertyDrawingFile_Get
Public propertyDrawingInputOptions_Get
Public propertyDrawingLog_Delete
Public propertyDrawingLog_Get
Public propertyDrawingLog_Insert
Public propertyDrawingLog_Update
Public propertyDrawingRevision_Delete
Public propertyDrawingRevision_Get
Public propertyDrawingRevision_Insert
Public propertyDrawingRevision_Update
Public propertyEstimateJobCostGroupSummary_Get
Public propertyEstimateJobCostSummary_Get
Public propertyEstimateSummary_Get
Public propertyEstimateSummary_Update
Public propertyExportJob
Exports a Production Control job to a KISS file.
Public propertyExportJobStatus
Exports a Production Control job including status information.
Public propertyExportProjectSchedule
Exports a project schedule.
Public propertyExtensionCommand
Execute a Tekla EPM extension.
Public propertyFilterSelections_PDC_Get
Public propertyFilterSelections_PRJ_Get
Public propertyFilterSetDetails_Get
Public propertyFirm_Delete
Deletes one or more firms.
Public propertyFirm_Get
Gets the firm.
Public propertyFirm_Insert
Insert a firm.
Public propertyFirm_Update
Update a firm.
Public propertyFirmAddress_Delete
Deletes one or more firm Addresss.
Public propertyFirmAddress_Get
Gets the firm Address.
Public propertyFirmAddress_Insert
Insert a firm Address.
Public propertyFirmAddress_Update
Update a firm Address.
Public propertyFirmContact_Delete
Deletes one or more firm contacts.
Public propertyFirmContact_Get
Gets the firm Contact.
Public propertyFirmContact_Insert
Insert a firm contact.
Public propertyFirmContact_Update
Update a firm contact.
Public propertyGetAssemblies
Retrieves the list of assemblies in a job.
Public propertyGetBillOfMaterials
Retrieves the bill of materials.
Public propertyGetCategories
Retrieves the list of categories in a job.
Public propertyGetChangeOrderDetails
Retrieves the list of change orders and their details in a job or by ChangeOrderNumber.
Public propertyGetCountries
Retrieves the list of countries in the database.
Public propertyGetCurrencies
Retrieves the list of currencies in the database.
Public propertyGetCutList
Retrieves the details of a cut list.
Public propertyGetDocument
Retrieves a document from the document index.
Public propertyGetDrawings
Retrieves the list of drawings in a job.
Public propertyGetFilterSelections
Retrieves Selections from selection filter.
Public propertyGetFilterSetDetails
Retrieves Filter fields and types.
Public propertyGetInspectionTestRecords
Retrieves the details of an inspection test record and it's test definition.
Public propertyGetInspectionTestRecordsCondensed
Retrieves the condensed details of a set of inspection test records.
Public propertyGetInspectionTestRecordSummary
Retrieves the summary of a set of inspection test records.
Public propertyGetInspectionTests
Retrieves a list of inspection tests and their definitions.
Public propertyGetInspectionTestSubjects
Retrieves the available subjects for the given inspection test.
Public propertyGetInspectionTestTypes
Retrieves the available inspection test types and categories.
Public propertyGetInventory
Retrieves all of the records from the current inventory and/or inventory history.
Public propertyGetInventoryLocations
Retrieves the list of locations and secondary locations in Inventory.
Public propertyGetInventoryLocationSweeps
Retrieves the details of the given location sweep serial number.
Public propertyGetInventorySummary
Retrieves summary information from inventory.
Public propertyGetInventoryTransactions
Retrieves the details of inventory transactions that have occured.
Public propertyGetLoads
Retrieves the completed/remaining status and details by destination and load #.
Public propertyGetLots
Retrieves the list of lots in a job.
Public propertyGetModelObjectIDs
Retrieves the model object IDs for assemblies and parts in a job.
Public propertyGetNestData
Retrieves the data file for the given nest.
Public propertyGetNestImage
Retrieves the image for the given nest.
Public propertyGetNestStatus
Retrieves information on inventory and requisition items for a nest.
Public propertyGetPricingInformation
Retrieves the current pricing information..
Public propertyGetProductionControlJobInformation
Retrieves the full information of Production Control jobs.
Public propertyGetProductionControlJobInformationTransactions
Retrieves the changes that have been made to Production Control job information.
Public propertyGetProductionControlJobs
Retrieves a concise list of Production Control jobs.
Public propertyGetProductionShippingStatus
Retrieves the production status for a job.
Public propertyGetProjectSchedule
Retrieves the breakdown elements, tasks, and task links for a baseline plan - optionally at a snapshot.
Public propertyGetProjectScheduleBaselinePlans
Retrieves the baseline plans for a project.
Public propertyGetProjectScheduleSnapshots
Retrieves the snapshots for a baseline plan.
Public propertyGetProjectStatus
Retrieves summary information about the job including: Assemblies Drawings Sequences Lots RFIs Change Orders Transmittals Cut Lists Material Status Production Status Shipping Status
Public propertyGetPurchaseOrderInformation
Retrieves the full information of Purchase Orders.
Public propertyGetPurchaseOrderInformationTransactions
Retrieves the changes that have been made to Purchase Order information.
Public propertyGetReportTypes
Retrieves the list of report types and reports for the given report group.
Public propertyGetRFIDetails
Retrieves the details of one or more RFIs.
Public propertyGetRouteDetails
Retrieves the details of the given route.
Public propertyGetSequences
Retrieves the list of sequences in a job.
Public propertyGetStations
Retrieves the completed/remaining status and details by station.
Public propertyGetSubCategories
Retrieves the subcategories in a job.
Public propertyGetTFSDetails
Retrieves the details of the PDC material that has been taken from stock including tracibility information.
Public propertyGetTimeTrackingSubjects
Retrieves the available time tracking selections for a job.
Public propertyGetTransmittalDetails
Retrieves the details of one or more transmittals.
Public propertyHoldSettings_Get
Retrieves the hold settings set by the Tekla PowerFab user.
Public propertyInspectionDocumentAdd
Adds a document to the document index and associates it with the given inspection record.
Public propertyIntermediateCompanyCodes
Retrieves the valid company codes for intermediate shipping that the specified job contains.
Public propertyInventoryAdd
Adds a new inventory record based off the information from another.
Public propertyInventoryAuditSave
Associates a barcode serial # with an audit serial # and saves the barcode SN in FabSuite's inventory.
Public propertyInventoryAuditScan
Retrieves the details of an audit serial #.
Public propertyInventoryLocationRestriction_Get
Public propertyInventoryLocationSweepComplete
Completes the given location sweep.
Public propertyInventoryLocationSweepScan
Scans an inventory serial # as being in the given sweep location.
Public propertyInventoryMove
Changes the location of a piece of inventory material.
Public propertyInventoryRemnant_Upsert
Insert or update an external remnant in Tekla EPM inventory.
Public propertyLaborRate_Delete
Deletes specified labor rates from Estimating.
Public propertyLaborRate_Get
Retrieves one or more labor rates for Estimating.
Public propertyLaborRate_Upsert
Updates or inserts a labor rate for Estimating.
Public propertyLang
Language code (en, en_UK, es, etc) for the messages used in the response.
Public propertyLoad
Loads or Un-Loads a production assembly/part from a truck.
Public propertyMachine_Get
Retrieves the machines.
Public propertyMachineGroup_Get
Retrieves the machine groups.
Public propertyMakeReport
Renders, exports, and retrieves the given report.
Public propertyMaxTruck
Retrieves the largest truck/load # for a job.
Public propertyNestSolution_Get
Retrieves a splice or split
Public propertyPickList_Get
Retrieves stock for a cut list
Public propertyPing
Pings the connection.
Public propertyPrepareReportData
Processes report data in preparation for a subsequent MakeReport call to render the report.
Public propertyProductionControlCutList_ExportDSTVPlus
Exports DSTV Plus zip file for a cut list or cut list items
Public propertyProductionControlCutList_Get
Gets one or more cut lists.
Public propertyProductionControlCutList_Update
Updates one or more cut lists.
Public propertyProductionControlCutListItem_Swap
Perform a swap of an inventory item associated with a cut list item
Public propertyProductionControlCutListItem_Swap_GetAvailable
Gets a list of items that can be swapped with the inventory item associated with cut list item passed in
Public propertyProductionControlFinish_Delete
Deletes one or more Production Control Finishes
Public propertyProductionControlFinish_Get
Gets one or more Production Control Finishes
Public propertyProductionControlFinish_Insert
Inserts a Production Control Finish
Public propertyProductionControlFinish_Update
Updates a Production Control Finish
Public propertyProductionControlJob_Get
Public propertyProductionControlLoad_Delete
Public propertyProductionControlLoad_Get
Public propertyProductionControlLoad_InputOptions_Get
Public propertyProductionControlLoad_Insert
Public propertyProductionControlLoad_IsDuplicateLoadNumber
Public propertyProductionControlLoad_Ship
Public propertyProductionControlLoad_Unship
Public propertyProductionControlLoad_Update
Public propertyProductionControlLoadAdditional_Delete
Public propertyProductionControlLoadAdditional_Insert
Public propertyProductionControlLoadAdditional_Update
Public propertyProductionControlLoadMaterial_Add
Public propertyProductionControlLoadMaterial_Load
Public propertyProductionControlLoadMaterial_Remove
Public propertyProductionControlLoadMaterial_Return
Public propertyProductionControlLoadMaterial_Unload
Public propertyProductionControlLoadMaterial_Unreturn
Public propertyProductionControlLoadRemaining_Get
Public propertyProductionShippingProductivity_Get
Public propertyProject_Get
Public propertyPurchaseOrderFOB_Delete
Deletes specified PurchaseOrderFOB.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderFOB_Get
Retrieves one or more PurchaseOrderFOB.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderFOB_Insert
Inserts PurchaseOrderFOB.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderFOB_Update
Updates PurchaseOrderFOB.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderPaymentTerm_Delete
Deletes specified PurchaseOrderPaymentTerm.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderPaymentTerm_Get
Retrieves one or more PurchaseOrderPaymentTerm.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderPaymentTerm_Insert
Inserts PurchaseOrderPaymentTerm.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderPaymentTerm_Update
Updates PurchaseOrderPaymentTerm.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderPOType_Delete
Deletes specified PurchaseOrderPOType.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderPOType_Get
Retrieves one or more PurchaseOrderPOType.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderPOType_Insert
Inserts PurchaseOrderPOType.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderPOType_Update
Updates PurchaseOrderPOType.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderShippingMethod_Delete
Deletes specified PurchaseOrderShippingMethod.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderShippingMethod_Get
Retrieves one or more PurchaseOrderShippingMethod.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderShippingMethod_Insert
Inserts PurchaseOrderShippingMethod.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderShippingMethod_Update
Updates PurchaseOrderShippingMethod.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderSubContractItem_Delete
Deletes one or more SubContract items from a purchase order.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderSubContractItem_Get
Retrieves one or more SubContract items from a purchase order.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderSubContractItem_Insert
Inserts one SubContract item into a purchase order.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderSubContractItem_Update
Updates one SubContract item in a purchase order.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderSummary_Get
Public propertyReceive
Receives material based on either the Barcode Checklist receiving report in FabSuite or the material details.
Public propertyReceiveASN
Receives material based on a serial number from an ASN file that has been loaded into FabSuite.
Public propertyReceiveChecklistScan
Retrieves the details of a checklist serial #.
Public propertyReturn
Returns or Un-Returns material from an intermediate shipping location (galvanizer, subcontractor, etc).
Public propertySaveCNCFile
Saves a cnc file to the FabSuite database.
Public propertySaveInspectionTestRecord
Saves an inspection test record.
Public propertySaveNest
Saves an external Nest.
Public propertySaveTimeTrackingRecord
Saves the result of a nest performed in External Software to FabSuite.
Public propertySetAssemblyAssociation
Sets the association between one or more instances of an accessory part with an instance of the assembly.
Public propertySetCutListItemNestID
Saves an external Nest in to a FabSuite Cut List.
Public propertySetInstanceLocation
Sets the location of a part instance.
Public propertyShip
Ships or Un-Ships a load.
Public propertyShopFloorSave
Adds or Deletes the record of an assembly/part having completed a tracking station.
Public propertySplicePackage_TFS
Processes a Take From Stock (Cut) for a splice package.
Public propertySplitPackage_TFS
Processes a Take From Stock (Cut) for a split package.
Public propertyTFSCut
Processes a Take From Stock (Cut).
Public propertyTFSManual
Processes a manual Take From Stock on a piece of inventory stock.
Public propertyTransmittal_Get
Public propertyUserPartial_Get
Public propertyValCutListItem
Validates that a cutting detail and inventory stock is valid.
Public propertyValInventory
Retrieves the details of an inventory serial #.
Public propertyValJob
Validates that the specified production job exists.
Public propertyValStation
Validates that the specified tracking station exists.
Public propertyValTruck
Validates that a truck/load exists, optionally adds it if it does not exist.
Public propertyValUser
Validates that a user exists.
Public propertyVersion
Retrieves the version number of the API.
Public propertyWorkshop_Get
Retrieves the workshops.
Public propertyXMLError
An error in the XML formatting.
Public propertyXMLWarning
A warning message caused by unrecognized XML elements or a command response.
See Also
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