fsresInputDisplayUnits Properties

The fsresInputDisplayUnits type exposes the following members.

Public propertyLengthTypeIDImperial
Length format when in imperial mode: 1 - Feet, Inches, 16ths 2 - Feet, Inches 3 - Inches, 16ths 4 - Decimal Feet 5 - Decimal Inches (2 Places) 6 - Decimal Inches 7 - Feet, Inches, 16ths (Free-Form)
Public propertyLengthTypeIDMetric
Length format when in metric mode: 1 - Meters 2 - Centimeters 3 - Millimeters
Public propertyLengthUOM
Length display and input.
Public propertyPriceUOM
Unit Price display and input.
Public propertySizeUOM
Dimension display and input.
Public propertyWeightUOM
Weight display and input.
See Also
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