fsreqFabSuiteXMLRequest Class |
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: Â FabSuiteRequestApi
Assembly: Â FabSuiteRequestApi (in FabSuiteRequestApi.dll) Version: (
[SerializableAttribute] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://www.fabsuite.com/xml/fabsuite-xml-request-v0108.xsd")] [XmlRootAttribute("FabSuiteXMLRequest", Namespace = "http://www.fabsuite.com/xml/fabsuite-xml-request-v0108.xsd", IsNullable = false)] public class fsreqFabSuiteXMLRequest
The fsreqFabSuiteXMLRequest type exposes the following members.
 | Name | Description |
fsreqFabSuiteXMLRequest |
fsreqFabSuiteXMLRequest class constructor
 | Name | Description |
Close |
Closes the connection to the FabSuite database. Cannot be called through a remote connection.
| |
CloseRemote |
Closes a remote connection.
| |
CNCData |
Retrieves the CNC data for the specified parts.
An XMLWarning element will be included in the response if no CNC file has been loaded for a requested piece mark.
| |
Connect |
Establishes a connection to the FabSuite database. Cannot be called through a remote connection
| |
ConnectionGUID |
The GUID identifying the remote connection to process the command through.
This is the value returned by the ConnectRemote response.
| |
ConnectRemote |
Establishes a remote connection.
| |
CostCode_Delete |
Deletes specified cost codes from Purchasing.
| |
CostCode_Get |
Retrieves one or more cost codes for Purchasing.
| |
CostCode_Upsert |
Updates or inserts a cost codes for Purchasing.
| |
CreateInventoryLocationSweep |
Creates a location sweep for the given location.
| |
DeleteInspectionTestRecord |
Deletes the given inspection test record.
| |
Drawing_Delete | ||
Drawing_Get | ||
Drawing_Insert | ||
Drawing_Update | ||
DrawingFile_Get | ||
DrawingInputOptions_Get | ||
DrawingLog_Delete | ||
DrawingLog_Get | ||
DrawingLog_Insert | ||
DrawingLog_Update | ||
DrawingRevision_Delete | ||
DrawingRevision_Get | ||
DrawingRevision_Insert | ||
DrawingRevision_Update | ||
EstimateSummary_Get | ||
ExportJob |
Exports a Production Control job to a KISS file.
| |
ExportJobStatus |
Exports a Production Control job including status information.
| |
ExportProjectSchedule |
Exports a project schedule.
| |
ExtensionCommand |
Runs a Tekla EPM Extension
| |
FilterSelections_PDC_Get | ||
FilterSelections_PRJ_Get | ||
FilterSetDetails_Get | ||
FirmAddress_Get | ||
GetAssemblies |
Retrieves the list of assemblies in a job.
| |
GetBillOfMaterials |
Retrieves the bill of materials.
| |
GetCategories |
Retrieves the list of categories in a job.
| |
GetChangeOrderDetails |
Retrieves the list of change orders in a job.
| |
GetCountries |
Retrieves the list of countries in a database.
| |
GetCutList |
Retrieves the details of a cut list.
| |
GetDocument |
Retrieves a document from the document index.
| |
GetDrawings |
Retrieves the list of drawings in a job.
| |
GetFilterSelections |
Retrieves Selections from selection filter.
| |
GetFilterSetDetails |
Retrieves the filter fields and types for a filter.
| |
GetInspectionTestRecords |
Retrieves the details of an inspection test record and it's test definition.
| |
GetInspectionTestRecordsCondensed |
Retrieves the condensed details of a set of inspection test records.
| |
GetInspectionTestRecordSummary |
Retrieves the summary of a set of inspection test records.
| |
GetInspectionTests |
Retrieves a list of inspection tests and their definitions.
| |
GetInspectionTestSubjects |
Retrieves the available subjects for the given inspection test.
| |
GetInspectionTestTypes |
Retrieves the available inspection test types and categories.
| |
GetInventory |
Retrieves all of the records from the current inventory and/or inventory history.
| |
GetInventoryLocations |
Retrieves a list of locations and secondary locations in use in Inventory.
| |
GetInventoryLocationSweeps |
Retrieves the details of the given location sweep serial number.
| |
GetInventorySummary |
Retrieves summary information from inventory.
| |
GetInventoryTransactions |
Retrieves the details of inventory transactions that have occured.
| |
GetLoads |
Retrieves the completed/remaining status and details by destination and load #.
| |
GetLots |
Retrieves the list of lots in a job.
| |
GetModelObjectIDs |
Retrieves the list of model object IDs (ifc guids) in a job.
| |
GetNestData |
Retrieves the data file for the given nest.
| |
GetNestImage |
Retrieves the image for the given nest.
| |
GetNestStatus |
Retrieves information on the inventory and requisition items for this nest.
| |
GetPricingInformation |
Retrieves Pricing for whole system or per job.
| |
GetProductionControlJobInformation |
Retrieves the full information of Production Control jobs.
| |
GetProductionControlJobInformationTransactions |
Retrieves the changes that have been made to Production Control job information.
| |
GetProductionControlJobs |
Retrieves a concise list of Production Control jobs.
| |
GetProductionShippingStatus |
Retrieves the production status for a job.
| |
GetProjectSchedule |
Retrieves the breakdown elements, tasks, and task links for a baseline plan - optionally at a snapshot.
| |
GetProjectScheduleBaselinePlans |
Retrieves the baseline plans for a project.
| |
GetProjectScheduleSnapshots |
Retrieves the snapshots for a baseline plan.
| |
GetProjectStatus |
Retrieves summary information about the job including:
Change Orders
Cut Lists
Material Status
Production Status
Shipping Status
| |
GetPurchaseOrderInformation |
Retrieves the full information of Purchase Orders.
| |
GetPurchaseOrderInformationTransactions |
Retrieves the changes that have been made to Purchase Order information.
| |
GetReportTypes |
Retrieves the list of report types and reports for the given report group.
| |
GetRFIDetails |
Retrieves RequestForInformation Details requested.
| |
GetRouteDetails |
Retrieves the details of the given route.
| |
GetSequences |
Retrieves the list of sequences in a job.
| |
GetStations |
Retrieves the completed/remaining status and details by station.
| |
GetSubCategories |
Retrieves the list of subCategories in a job.
| |
GetTFSDetails |
Retrieves the details of the PDC material that has been taken from stock including tracibility information.
| |
GetTimeTrackingSubjects |
Retrieves the available time tracking selections for a job.
| |
GetTransmittalDetails |
Retrieves the transmittal details requested.
| |
HoldSettings_Get |
Retrieves the hold settings as set by the Tekla PowerFab user
| |
InspectionDocumentAdd |
Adds a document to the document index and associates it with the given inspection record.
| |
IntermediateCompanyCodes |
Retrieves the valid company codes for intermediate shipping that the specified job contains.
| |
InventoryAdd |
Adds a new inventory record based off the information from another.
| |
InventoryAuditSave |
Associates a barcode serial # with an audit serial # and saves the barcode SN in FabSuite's inventory.
| |
InventoryAuditScan |
Retrieves the details of an audit serial #.
| |
InventoryLocationRestriction_Get | ||
InventoryLocationSweepComplete |
Completes the given location sweep.
| |
InventoryLocationSweepScan |
Scans an inventory serial # as being in the given sweep location.
| |
InventoryMove |
Changes the location of a piece of inventory material.
| |
InventoryRemnant_Upsert |
Adds or updates an external remnant in Tekla EPM inventory.
| |
LaborRate_Delete |
Deletees a Labor Rate from Tekla PowerFab.
| |
LaborRate_Get |
Retrieves a Labor Rate from Tekla PowerFab.
| |
LaborRate_Upsert |
Inserts or updates a Labor Rate in Tekla PowerFab.
| |
Lang |
Language code (en, en_UK, es, etc) requested for messages used in the response.
| |
Load |
Loads or Un-Loads a production assembly/part from a truck.
| |
MakeReport |
Renders, exports, and retrieves the given report.
| |
MaxTruck |
Retrieves the largest truck/load # for a job.
| |
NestSolution_Get |
Retrieves a nest solution - a splice or a split
| |
PickList_Get |
Retrieves a pick list for a cut list
| |
Ping |
Pings the connection.
| |
PrepareReportData |
Processes report data in preparation for a subsequent MakeReport call to render the report.
| |
ProductionControlCutList_ExportDSTVPlus |
Exports DSTV Plus zip file for a cut list or cut list items
| |
ProductionControlCutListItem_Swap |
Swap an inventory item on a cut list with a different inventory item
| |
ProductionControlCutListItem_Swap_GetAvailable |
Gets a list of items that can be swapped with the inventory item associted with cut list item passed in
| |
ProductionControlJob_Get | ||
ProductionControlLoad_Delete | ||
ProductionControlLoad_Get | ||
ProductionControlLoad_InputOptions_Get | ||
ProductionControlLoad_Insert | ||
ProductionControlLoad_IsDuplicateLoadNumber | ||
ProductionControlLoad_Ship | ||
ProductionControlLoad_Unship | ||
ProductionControlLoad_Update | ||
ProductionControlLoadAdditional_Delete | ||
ProductionControlLoadAdditional_Insert | ||
ProductionControlLoadAdditional_Update | ||
ProductionControlLoadMaterial_Add | ||
ProductionControlLoadMaterial_Load | ||
ProductionControlLoadMaterial_Remove | ||
ProductionControlLoadMaterial_Return | ||
ProductionControlLoadMaterial_Unload | ||
ProductionControlLoadMaterial_Unreturn | ||
ProductionControlLoadRemaining_Get | ||
ProductionShippingProductivity_Get | ||
Project_Get | ||
PurchaseOrderSummary_Get | ||
Receive |
Receives material based on either the Barcode Checklist receiving report in FabSuite or the material details.
| |
ReceiveASN |
Receives material based on a serial number from an ASN file that has been loaded into FabSuite.
| |
ReceiveChecklistScan |
Retrieves the details of a checklist serial #.
| |
Return |
Returns or Un-Returns material from an intermediate shipping location (galvanizer, subcontractor, etc).
| |
SaveCNCFile |
Saves a cnc file to the FabSuite database.
| |
SaveInspectionTestRecord |
Saves an inspection test record.
| |
SaveNest |
Saves the result of a nest performed in External Software to FabSuite.
| |
SaveTimeTrackingRecord |
Adds a time tracking record.
| |
SetAssemblyAssociation |
Sets the association between one or more instances of an accessory part with an instance of the assembly.
| |
SetCutListItemNestID |
Saves a Cut List in FabSuite as an External Software to FabSuite. After this, it can be modified using SaveNest
| |
SetInstanceLocation |
Sets the location of a part instance.
| |
Ship |
Ships or Un-Ships a load.
| |
ShopFloorSave |
Adds or Deletes the record of an assembly/part having completed a tracking station.
| |
SplicePackage_TFS |
Processes a Take From Stock (Cut) For a Splice Package.
| |
SplitPackage_TFS |
Processes a Take From Stock (Cut) for a Split Package.
| |
TFSCut |
Processes a Take From Stock (Cut).
| |
TFSManual |
Processes a manual Take From Stock on a piece of inventory stock.
| |
Transmittal_Get |
Gets a Transmittal.
| |
TrimbleIdentityAccessToken | ||
TrimbleIdentityToken | ||
UserPartial_Get |
Gets User data.
| |
ValCutListItem |
Validates that a cutting detail and inventory stock is valid.
| |
ValInventory |
Retrieves the details of an inventory serial #.
| |
ValJob |
Validates that the specified production job exists.
| |
ValStation |
Validates that the specified tracking station exists.
| |
ValTruck |
Validates that a truck/load exists, optionally adds it if it does not exist.
| |
ValUser |
Validates that a user exists.
| |
Version |
Retrieves the version number of the API.
See Also