FabSuiteRequestApi Namespace

Classes for receiving an API response from Tekla EPM.
Public classfsBoolWithBool
A boolean element with an optional boolean attribute SharedOnly, such as IncludeCutList with attribute SharedOnly.
Public classfsCurrencyValueAbbreviation
An element with a decimal value and a Currency attribute.
Public classfsDecimalWithUOM
An element with a decimal value and a fsUOM attribute, such as a length, width, etc.
Public classfsDimensionsWithMetric
An element with a text value and a fsMetric attribute, such as for dimensions.
Public classfsDimensionValueDisplay
Public classfsreqAdditionalDrop
The TFSCut command has elements for a single piece of drop from the cut. This element represents additional drops from the same cut.
Public classfsreqClose
Closes the connection to the database. Cannot be called through a remote connection.
Public classfsreqCloseRemote
Closes a remote connection.
Public classfsreqCNCData
Retrieves the CNC data for the specified parts. An XMLWarning element will be included in the response if no CNC file has been loaded for a requested piece mark.
Public classfsreqCommand
Public classfsreqConnect
Establishes a connection to the FabSuite database. Cannot be called through a remote connection
Public classfsreqConnectRemote
Establishes a remote connection.
Public classfsreqCostCode_Delete
Deletes Tekla PowerFab specified CostCode
Public classfsreqCostCode_Get
Retrieves one or more cost codes for Purchasing.
Public classfsreqCostCode_Upsert
Inserts or updates into Tekla PowerFab CostCode
Public classfsreqCreateInventoryLocationSweep
Creates a location sweep for the given location.
Public classfsreqCutListItem
A CutListItem for the SetCutListItemNestID command
Public classfsreqDeleteInspectionTestRecord
Deletes the given inspection test record.
Public classfsreqDrawingDelete
Public classfsreqDrawingFileGet
Public classfsreqDrawingGet
ProjectID, ProductionControlID, or DrawingID must be specified. If LastLogID is specified then the result will only include the records that have changed since that log position.
Public classfsreqDrawingGetOptions
Public classfsreqDrawingInputOptionsGet
Public classfsreqDrawingInsert
Public classfsreqDrawingLog
Public classfsreqDrawingLogDelete
Public classfsreqDrawingLogGet
If LastLogID is specified then the result will only include the records that have changed since that log position.
Public classfsreqDrawingLogInsert
Public classfsreqDrawingLogUpdate
Public classfsreqDrawingRevisionDelete
Public classfsreqDrawingRevisionGet
ProjectID, ProductionControlID, DrawingID, or DrawingRevisionID must be specified. If LastLogID is specified then the result will only include the records that have changed since that log position.
Public classfsreqDrawingRevisionInsert
Public classfsreqDrawingRevisionUpdate
Public classfsreqDrawingUpdate
Public classfsreqEstimateSummaryGet
Public classfsreqExportJob
Exports a Production Control job to a KISS file.
Public classfsreqExportJobStatus
Exports a Production Control job including status information. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqExportProjectSchedule
Exports a project schedule
Public classfsreqExtensionCommand
Execute a Tekla EPM Extension
Public classfsreqFabSuiteXMLRequest
Public classfsreqFileContentsWithExtension
A file contents element with extension of file
Public classfsreqFilter
A filter type and value.
Public classfsreqFilterFilterValue
The value that the field should be restricted to.
Public classfsreqFilterFilterValueMax
If specified then this becomes a range filter with FilterValue being the bottom value of the range and FilterValueMax being the upper value.
Public classfsreqFilters
A set of filters specifying the data that should be processed by the command. If more than one Filter element specify the same FilterType then an 'or' condition is applied. An 'and' condition is applied to different FilterType fields. Ex.
Public classfsreqFilterSelections_GetOptions
Public classfsreqFilterSelectionsPDCGet
Public classfsreqFilterSelectionsPRJGet
Public classfsreqFilterSetDetailsGet
Public classfsreqFilterSetSelections_Filter
Public classfsreqFilterSetSelections_FilterItem
Public classfsreqFilterSetSelections_FilterItems
Public classfsreqFirmAddressGet
Public classfsreqGetAssemblies
Retrieves the list of assemblies in a job. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetBillOfMaterials
Retrieves the bill of materials. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetCategories
Retrieves the list of categories in a job. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetChangeOrderDetails
Retrieves the details of one or more Change Order. If neither ChangeOrderID nor ChangeOrderNumber are specified, the change orders received will be limited by the filters
Public classfsreqGetCountries
Retrieves the list of countries in a database. No parameters.
Public classfsreqGetCutList
Retrieves the details of a cut list.
Public classfsreqGetDocument
Retrieves a document from the document index.
Public classfsreqGetDrawings
Retrieves the list of drawings in a job. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetFilterSelections
Retrieves the selections from a selection filter
Public classfsreqGetFilterSelections_Filter
One Field in a filter.
Public classfsreqGetFilterSelections_FilterItemsFilterItem
One Field in a filter.
Public classfsreqGetFilterSetDetails
Retrieves the fields and types for a filter.
Public classfsreqGetInspectionTestRecords
Retrieves the details of an inspection test record and it's test definition.
Public classfsreqGetInspectionTestRecordsCondensed
Retrieves the condensed details of a set of inspection test records.
Public classfsreqGetInspectionTestRecordSummary
Retrieves the summary of a set of inspection test records. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetInspectionTests
Retrieves a list of inspection tests and their definitions.
Public classfsreqGetInspectionTestSubjects
Retrieves the available subjects for the given inspection test.
Public classfsreqGetInspectionTestTypes
Retrieves the available inspection test types and categories.
Public classfsreqGetInventory
Retrieves all of the records from the current inventory and/or inventory history. Use IncludeInventory and IncludeHistory to specify that inventory and/or inventory history records should be retrieved. If neither the IncludeInventory or IncludeHistory elements are included then the command will retrieve inventory records only.
Public classfsreqGetInventoryLocations
Retrieves the list of locations in use in Inventory. No parameters.
Public classfsreqGetInventoryLocationSweeps
Retrieves the details of the given location sweep serial number.
Public classfsreqGetInventorySummary
Retrieves summary information from inventory.
Public classfsreqGetInventoryTransactions
Retrieves the details of inventory transactions that have occured.
Public classfsreqGetLoads
Retrieves the completed/remaining status and details by destination and load #. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified. This command can be used a few different ways: 1. Retrieve the list of destinations. IncludeLoads = false, IncludeUnshippedLoads = false, IncludeCompletedMaterial = false, IncludeRemainingMaterial = false 2. Retrieve the list of loads. Include[Unshipped]Loads = true, IncludeCompletedMaterial = false, IncludeRemainingMaterial = false 3. Retrieve the details of the material on each load. Include[Unshipped]Loads = true, IncludeCompletedMaterial = true, IncludeRemainingMaterial = false 4. Retrieve the details of the material remaining to be loaded. IncludeLoads = false, IncludeUnshippedLoads = false, IncludeCompletedMaterial = false, IncludeRemainingMaterial = true
Public classfsreqGetLots
Retrieves the list of lots in a job. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetModelObjectIDs
Retrieves the list of model object IDs / IFC Guids in a job Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetNestData
Retrieves the data file for the given nest.
Public classfsreqGetNestImage
Retrieves the image for the given nest. Either ProductionControlCutListItemID or ProductionControlCutListBarcodeID must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetNestStatus
Retrieves the inventory and requisition item status for this nest.
Public classfsreqGetPricingInformation
Retrieves pricing information for the whole system or one job.
Public classfsreqGetProductionControlJobInformation
Retrieves the full information of Production Control jobs.
Public classfsreqGetProductionControlJobInformationTransactions
Retrieves the changes that have been made to Production Control job information.
Public classfsreqGetProductionControlJobs
Retrieves a concise list of Production Control jobs.
Public classfsreqGetProductionShippingStatus
Retrieves the production status for a job. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetProjectSchedule
Retrieves the breakdown elements, tasks, and task links for a baseline plan - optionally at a snapshot.
Public classfsreqGetProjectScheduleBaselinePlans
Retrieves the baseline plans for a project. One of ProjectID, ProductionControlID, or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetProjectScheduleSnapshots
Retrieves the snapshots for a baseline plan.
Public classfsreqGetProjectStatus
Retrieves summary information about the job including: Assemblies Drawings Sequences Lots Categories Sub-Categories RFIs Change Orders Transmittals Cut Lists Material Status Production Status Shipping Status Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetPurchaseOrderInformation
Retrieves the full information of Purchase Orders.
Public classfsreqGetPurchaseOrderInformationTransactions
Retrieves the changes that have been made to Purchase Order information.
Public classfsreqGetReportTypes
Retrieves the list of report types and reports for the given report group.
Public classfsreqGetRFIDetails
Retrieves the details of one or more requests for information. If neither RequestForInformationID nor RFINumber are specified, the RFIs received will be limited by the filters
Public classfsreqGetRouteDetails
Retrieves the details of the given route. Either RouteID or Route must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetSequences
Retrieves the list of sequences in a job. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetStations
Retrieves the completed/remaining status and details by station. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified. This command can be used a few different ways: 1. Retrieve the list of stations. IncludeCompleted = false, IncludeRemaining = false 3. Retrieve the details of the completed material for each station. IncludeCompleted = true, IncludeRemaining = false 4. Retrieve the details of the remaining material for each station. IncludeCompleted = false, IncludeRemaining = true
Public classfsreqGetSubCategories
Retrieves the list of sub-categories in a job. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetTFSDetails
Retrieves the details of the PDC material that has been taken from stock including tracibility information. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetTimeTrackingSubjects
Retrieves the available time tracking selections for a job. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqGetTransmittalDetails
Retrieves the details of one or more transmittals. If neither TransmittalID nor TransmittalNumber are specified, the transmittals received will be limited by the filters
Public classfsreqInputDisplayUnits
Specify the unit-of-measure values to use for input and display purposes.
Public classfsreqInspectionDocumentAdd
Adds a document to the document index and associates it with the given inspection record.
Public classfsreqInspectionTestSubject
The subject of an inspection test.
Public classfsreqIntermediateCompanyCodes
Retrieves the valid company codes for intermediate shipping that the specified job contains.
Public classfsreqInventoryAdd
Adds a new inventory record based off the information from another.
Public classfsreqInventoryAuditSave
Associates a barcode serial # with an audit serial # and saves the barcode SN in FabSuite's inventory. If the SerialNumber does not yet exist in FabSuite's inventory then it will be associated with an inventory record that has information matching the AuditSerialNumber. If the SerialNumber is already in FabSuite's inventory then it will be moved to the location and secondary location defined by the AuditSerialNumber as long as it matches the rest of the details.
Public classfsreqInventoryAuditScan
Retrieves the details of an audit serial #.
Public classfsreqInventoryLocationRestrictionGet
Gets the list of inventory location restrictions. If LastLogID is specified then the result will only include the records that have changed since that log position.
Public classfsreqInventoryLocationSweepComplete
Completes the given location sweep.
Public classfsreqInventoryLocationSweepScan
Scans an inventory serial # as being in the given sweep location.
Public classfsreqInventoryMove
Changes the location of a piece of inventory material. Either SerialNumber or (Quantity AND Shape) are required. If SerialNumber is specified then Quantity, Shape, Grade, Dimensions, Length, Job, Supplier, CountryOfOrigin, MillOfOrigin, PONumber, BillOfLadingNumber, HeatNumber, HeatSerialNumber, Location, SecondaryLocation, Remarks, ReferenceNumber, and PartNumber, are ignored. If SerialNumber is not specified then the material to move is identified by the combination of those fields that are specified.
Public classfsreqInventoryRemnant
A single external remnant to be saved by InventoryRemnant_Upsert command.
Public classfsreqInventoryRemnant_Upsert
Inserts or updates an external remnant into Tekla EPM INventory
Public classfsreqLaborRate_Delete
Deletees a Labor Rate from Tekla PowerFab.
Public classfsreqLaborRate_Get
retrieves a Labor Rate from Tekla PowerFab.
Public classfsreqLaborRate_Upsert
Inserts or updates a Labor Rate in Tekla PowerFab.
Public classfsreqLoad
Loads or Un-Loads a production assembly/part from a truck. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified. When loading either MainMark or Description must be specified. When un-loading either MainMark or ProductionControlTrucksAdditionalID must be specified.
Public classfsreqMakeReport
Renders, exports, and retrieves the given report. Either ReportID or ReportGUID is required.
Public classfsreqMaterialUsed
A piece of material to be reserved in inventory or ordered for this nest.
Public classfsreqMaxTruck
Retrieves the largest truck/load # for a job. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqNestPart
A single part that is nested on to material in this nest on SaveNest command
Public classfsreqNestResult
A single nest to be saved by SaveNest command.
Public classfsreqNestSolutionGet
Public classfsreqNestSolutionGetOptions
Public classfsreqNestSolutionTFSDrop
Public classfsreqNestSolutionTFSResult
Public classfsreqPartSerialNumber
The set of barcode serial numbers being applied to a part from a TFSCut command.
Public classfsreqPickListGet
Retrieve the required stock for a cut list
Public classfsreqPickListGetOptions
Public classfsreqPing
Pings the connection.
Public classfsreqPrepareReportData
Processes report data in preparation for a subsequent MakeReport call to render the report.
Public classfsreqProductionControlCutListExportDSTVPlus
Exports DSTV Plus zip file for a cut list or cut list items
Public classfsreqProductionControlCutListItemSwap
Swap an inventory item associated with a cut list for another inventory item.
Public classfsreqProductionControlCutListItemSwapAvailable
Public classfsreqProductionControlCutListItemSwapGetAvailable
Given a Production Control Cut List Item ID, return a list of inventory items that can be swapped with the one on the cut list.
Public classfsreqProductionControlJobGet
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadAdditionalDelete
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadAdditionalInsert
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadAdditionalUpdate
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadDelete
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadGet
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadGetOptions
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadInputOptionsGet
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadInsert
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadIsDuplicateLoadNumber
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialAdd
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialAddAddItem
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialLoad
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialLoadLoadItem
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialRemove
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialRemoveRemoveItem
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialReturn
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialReturnReturnItem
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialUnload
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialUnloadUnloadItem
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialUnreturn
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadMaterialUnreturnUnreturnItem
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadRemainingGet
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadRemainingGetOptions
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadShip
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadUnship
Public classfsreqProductionControlLoadUpdate
Public classfsreqProductionShippingProductivityGet
Public classfsreqProductionShippingProductivityGetOptions
Public classfsreqProjectGet
Public classfsreqPurchaseOrderSummaryGet
Public classfsreqPurchaseOrderSummaryGetOptions
Public classfsreqReceive
Receives material based on the Barcode Checklist receiving report in FabSuite. Either ChecklistSerialNumber or Shape is required. If ChecklistSerialNumber is specified then SerialNumber is required and PONumber, Shape, Grade, Dimensions, Length, Job, Supplier, Remarks, ReferenceNumber, and Part # are ignored. If SerialNumber is not specified then the material to receive is identified by the combination of those fields that are specified.
Public classfsreqReceiveASN
Receives material based on a serial number from an ASN file that has been loaded into FabSuite.
Public classfsreqReceiveChecklistScan
Retrieves the details of a checklist serial #.
Public classfsreqRemnant
A remnant created by this nest in the SaveNest command.
Public classfsreqReportOption
A report processing option
Public classfsreqReturn
Returns or Un-Returns material from an intermediate shipping location (galvanizer, subcontractor, etc). Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqSaveCNCFile
Saves a cnc file to the FabSuite database. CNCFormat and either CNCFileName or CNCData are required.
Public classfsreqSaveInspectionTestRecord
Saves an inspection test record.
Public classfsreqSaveInspectionTestRecord_TestRecordDocument
An inspection test record document.
Public classfsreqSaveInspectionTestRecord_TestRecordField
An inspection test record field value.
Public classfsreqSaveNest
Saves the result of a nest performed in External Software to FabSuite.
Public classfsreqSaveTimeTrackingRecord
Adds a time tracking record. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified. Either StartDate or StartDateTime must be specified. If StartDateTime is specified then EndDateTime must also be included.
Public classfsreqSaveTimeTrackingRecord_SubjectFields_SubjectField
One of the fields identifying the subject of the time tracking record.
Public classfsreqSetAssemblyAssociation
Sets the association between one or more instances of an accessory part with an instance of the assembly. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified. Either AssemblyInstanceNumber or AssemblySerialNumber must be specified. Either AccessoryInstanceNumbers or (AccessorySerialNumber and AccessoryQuantity) must be specified.
Public classfsreqSetCutListItemNestID
At least one CutListItem must be defined
Public classfsreqSetInstanceLocation
Sets the location of a part instance. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified. Either InstanceNumbers or (SerialNumber and Quantity) must be specified.
Public classfsreqShip
Ships or Un-Ships a load. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqShopFloorSave
Adds or Deletes the record of an assembly/part having completed a tracking station. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqSplicePackageTFS
Public classfsreqSplitPackageTFS
Public classfsreqTFSCut
Processes a Take From Stock (Cut). Either CutListItemID or CutListSerialNumber must be specified. Either InventorySerialNumber or (PONumber AND HeatNumber) must be specified.
Public classfsreqTFSManual
Processes a manual Take From Stock on a piece of inventory stock.
Public classfsreqTransmittalGet
ProjectID, ProductionControlID, or TransmittalID must be specified. If LastLogID is specified then the result will only include the records that have changed since that log position.
Public classfsreqTransmittalGetOptions
Public classfsreqUserPartialGet
Public classfsreqValCutListItem
Validates that a cutting detail and inventory stock is valid. Either CutListItemID or CutListSerialNumber must be specified. Either InventorySerialNumber or (PONumber AND HeatNumber) must be specified.
Public classfsreqValInventory
Retrieves the details of an inventory serial #.
Public classfsreqValJob
Validates that the specified production job exists.
Public classfsreqValStation
Validates that the specified tracking station exists.
Public classfsreqValTruck
Validates that a truck/load exists, optionally adds it if it does not exist. Either ProductionControlID or JobNumber must be specified.
Public classfsreqValUser
Validates that a user exists.
Public classfsreqVersion
Retrieves the version number of the API.
Public classfsStringID
A string element with an optional integer ID.
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