SaveLoad Events

The SaveLoad type exposes the following members.

Public eventAttributesLoadClicked
The AttributesLoadClicked event is triggered just after the load button has been clicked.
Public eventAttributesLoaded
The AttributesLoaded event is triggered just after attributes have been loaded into the dialog.
Public eventAttributesSaveAsClicked
The AttributesSaveAsClicked event is triggered just after the save as button has been clicked.
Public eventAttributesSaveClicked
The AttributesSaveClicked event is triggered just after the save button has been clicked.
Public eventAttributesSaved
The AttributesSaved event is triggered just after attributes are saved to a file.
Public eventAttributesSavedAs
The AttributesSavedAs event is triggered just after attributes are "saved as" to a file.
Public eventHelpOpenClicked
The HelpOpenClicked event is triggered just after the help button has been clicked.
Public eventHelpOpened
The HelpOpened event is triggered just after the help file is opened.
See Also
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