AnalysisSubSectionAnalysisSubSectionTypeEnum Enumeration

Defines the subsection types.

Namespace:  Tekla.Structures.Analysis
Assembly:  Tekla.Structures.Analysis (in Tekla.Structures.Analysis.dll) Version: 2023.0.3
public enum AnalysisSubSectionTypeEnum
  Member nameValueDescription
UNKNOWN_TYPE0 The subsection subtype is unknown.
I4 The profile type I.
UNSYMMETRICAL_I5 The profile type unsymmetrical I.
L6 The profile type L.
Z7 The profile type Z.
U8 The profile type U.
PL1 The profile type PL.
D10 The profile type D.
PD11 The profile type PD.
P9 The profile type P.
C8 The profile type C.
T2 The profile type T.
T_MIRRORED3 The profile type T mirrored.
USER_DEFINED12 The profile type user defined.
TWIN_L_113 The profile type twin L 1.
TWIN_L_214 The profile type twin L 2.
TWIN_U_115 The profile type twin U 1.
TWIN_U_216 The profile type twin U 2.
See Also
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