WeldMarkAttributes Properties

The WeldMarkWeldMarkAttributes type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCustomPresentation
Custom presentation GUID to be applied to the object type
Public propertyFont
The weld mark font settings.
Public propertySeamAbove
The visibility of the seam above parameters.
Public propertySeamBelow
The visibility of the seam below parameters.
Public propertyShowEdgeAround
Gets or sets visibility of the weld mark edge/around property.
Public propertyShowReferenceText
Gets or sets visibility of the weld mark reference text.
Public propertyShowWeldNumber
The visibility of the weld number.
Public propertyShowWorkshopSite
Gets or sets visibility of the weld mark workshop/site property.
Public propertyTransparentBackground
Controls the text background transparency (transparent/opaque).
See Also
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