RebarItem Properties

The RebarItem type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActualDiameter
The rebar item's actual diameter.
Public propertyBendRadius
The rebar item's bending radius.
Public propertyCode
The rebar item's code.
Public propertyCrankedLength
Gets or sets the cranked length.
Public propertyCrankedLengthType
Gets or sets the cranked length type.
Public propertyCrankExtraOffset
Gets or sets the crank extra offset.
Public propertyCrankStraightLength
Gets or sets the crank straight length.
Public propertyCrossSectionArea
The rebar item's cross section area.
Public propertyCurveTolerance
Gets or sets the curve tolerance.
Public propertyExtraPointShortening
Gets or sets the extra point shortening.
Public propertyGrade
The rebar item's grade.
Public propertyHookLength135Degrees
The rebar item's hook length for 135 degrees.
Public propertyHookLength180Degrees
The rebar item's hook length for 180 degrees.
Public propertyHookLength90Degrees
The rebar item's hook length for 90 degrees.
Public propertyHookRadius135Degrees
The rebar item's hook radius for 135 degrees.
Public propertyHookRadius180Degrees
The rebar item's hook radius for 180 degrees.
Public propertyHookRadius90Degrees
The rebar item's hook radius for 90 degrees.
Public propertyLapLength
Gets or sets the lap length.
Public propertyMaxRadiusRequiringBending
Gets or sets the max radius requiring bending.
Public propertyNominalDiameter
The rebar item's nominal diameter.
Public propertySize
The rebar item's size.
Public propertyUsage
The rebar item's usage.
Public propertyWeightPerLenght
The rebar item's weight per lenght.
See Also
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