PortalFrameHaunchParams Class

Represents parameters required to create a haunch
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.PortalFrames.Create
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public sealed class PortalFrameHaunchParams

The PortalFrameHaunchParams type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBuiltUpPlateFlangeThickness Gets or sets the built-up plate flange thickness
Public propertyBuiltUpPlateFlangeWidth Gets or sets the built-up plate flange width
Public propertyBuiltUpPlateWebThickness Gets or sets the built-up plate web thickness
Public propertyCutSection Gets or sets the cut section
Public propertyCutWidth Gets or sets the width of the haunch cut (in [mm])
Public propertyDepth Gets or sets the depth, Dh (in [mm])
Public propertyDepthOption Gets or sets the haunch depth option
Public propertyEndPlate Gets or sets the end plate parameters
Public propertyFabrication Gets or sets the fabrication
Public propertyLength Gets or sets the length, Lh (in [mm])
Public propertySectionDerivation Gets or sets the derivation of the haunch section
Public methodStatic memberCreate Creates a new instance of PortalFrameHaunchParams class
Public methodStatic memberFrom Creates a new instance of PortalFrameHaunchParams class based on given haunch
See Also
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