IParametricTrapeziumSection Properties

The IParametricTrapeziumSection type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAngle Gets the angle of the sides (in [rad])
Public propertyCrossSectionalArea Gets the cross sectional area (in [mm²])
(Inherited from ISection)
Public propertyDepth Gets the depth (in [mm])
Public propertyHoles Gets the list of section holes
(Inherited from IParametricSection)
Public propertyIsFlippedHorizontally Gets a value indicating whether the vertices are flipped horizontally
Public propertyIsFlippedVertically Gets a value indicating whether the vertices are flipped vertically
Public propertyLongerParallelSideLength Gets the length of the longer parallel side (in [mm])
Public propertyLongName Gets the long name of the section
(Inherited from ISection)
Public propertyMajorAxisSecondMomentOfArea Gets the major axis second moment of area (in [mm⁴])
(Inherited from ISection)
Public propertyMaterialType Gets the material type
(Inherited from ISection)
Public propertyMinorAxisSecondMomentOfArea Gets the minor axis second moment of area (in [mm⁴])
(Inherited from ISection)
Public propertySectionGeometry Gets the section geometry
(Inherited from ISection)
Public propertyShearAreaLoadedParallelToMajorAxis Gets the shear area loaded parallel to major axis (in [mm²])
(Inherited from ISection)
Public propertyShearAreaLoadedParallelToMinorAxis Gets the shear area loaded parallel to minor axis (in [mm²])
(Inherited from ISection)
Public propertyShorterParallelSideLength Gets the length of the shorter parallel side (in [mm])
Public propertyShortName Gets the short name of the section
(Inherited from ISection)
Public propertyTorsionConstant Gets the torsion constant (in [mm⁴])
(Inherited from ISection)
See Also
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