IModel Interface

Represents structure model

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Structure
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public interface IModel : IHaveId

The IModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyId Gets the ID
(Inherited from IHaveId)
Public propertySectionFactory Gets the section factory
Public propertyUserDefinedAttributesManager Gets the manager for the user defined attributes
Public methodApplyEntityAsync Applies modified entities back to the Tekla Structural Designer model
Public methodApplyHaunchAsync Applies modified haunches back to the Tekla Structural Designer model
Public methodApplyPortalFrameMemberAsync Applies modified portal frame members back to the Tekla Structural Designer model
Public methodApplySubEntityAsync Applies modified sub-entities back to the Tekla Structural Designer model
Public methodCreateAnalysisElementAttributeSetAsync Creates a new IAnalysisElementAttributeSet instance
Public methodCreateConcreteBeamAttributeSetAsync Creates a new IConcreteBeamAttributeSet instance
Public methodCreateConcreteColumnAttributeSetAsync Creates a new IConcreteColumnAttributeSet instance
Public methodCreateEntityAsync Creates new entities
Public methodCreateEntityCollector Creates an instance of EntityCollector
Public methodCreateMemberAttributeSetAsync Creates a new IMemberAttributeSet instance
Public methodCreatePadBaseAttributeSetAsync Creates a new IIsolatedFoundationAttributeSet instance for PadBase
Public methodCreatePileCapAttributeSetAsync Creates a new IIsolatedFoundationAttributeSet instance for PileCap
Public methodCreatePileTypeAsync Creates new pile type
Public methodCreateRoofAttributeSetAsync Creates a new IRoofAttributeSet instance
Public methodCreateSlabItemAttributeSetAsync Creates a new ISlabItemAttributeSet instance
Public methodCreateStructuralWallAttributeSetAsync Creates a new IStructuralWallAttributeSet instance
Public methodCreateSubEntityCollector Creates an instance of SubEntityCollector
Public methodCreateSupportAttributeSetAsync Creates a new ISupportAttributeSet instance
Public methodGetAnalysisConditionAsync Gets the analysis condition data
Public methodGetArchitecturalGridsAsync Returns a collection of IArchitecturalGrid instances
Public methodGetCarbonInfoAsync Returns the embodied carbon information for a collection of sources
Public methodGetCarbonSourcesAsync Returns a collection of identifiers of carbon sources
Public methodGetCombinationsAsync Returns a collection of ICombination instances
Public methodGetConstructionPointGroupsAsync Returns a collection of IConstructionPointGroup instances
Public methodGetConstructionPointsAsync Returns a collection of IConstructionPoint instances
Public methodGetDesignConditionAsync Gets the design condition data
Public methodGetElementGroupsAsync Returns a collection of IElementGroup instances
Public methodGetEntityCollectionAsync Returns a model entity collection according to the given entity type
Public methodGetEntityNodeCollectionAsync Returns a model entity node collection according to the given entity type and entity index
Public methodGetEntitySpanCollectionAsync Returns a model entity span collection according to the given entity type and entity index
Public methodGetEnvelopesAsync Returns a collection of IEnvelope instances
Public methodGetFramesAsync Returns a collection of IVerticalConstructionPlane instances
Public methodGetLevelsAsync Returns a collection of IHorizontalConstructionPlane instances
Public methodGetLoadcasesAsync Returns a collection of ILoadcase instances
Public methodGetMembersAsync Returns a collection of IMember instances
Public methodGetPadBasesAsync Returns a collection of IIsolatedFoundation instances with data of type IPadBaseData
Public methodGetPileCapsAsync Returns a collection of IIsolatedFoundation instances with data of type IPileCapData
Public methodGetPilesAsync Returns a collection of IPile instances
Public methodGetPileTypeByNameAsync Queries a pile type by the given name
Public methodGetPortalFramesAsync Returns a collection of IPortalFrame instances
Public methodGetProjectDetailsAsync Returns the project details
Public methodGetRoofsAsync Returns a collection of IRoof instances
Public methodGetSettingsAsync Returns the settings specific to this model
Public methodGetSlabItemsAsync Returns a collection of ISlabItem instances
Public methodGetSlabOpeningsAsync Returns a collection of ISlabOpening instances
Public methodGetSlabPatchesAsync Returns a collection of ISlabPatch instances
Public methodGetSlabsAsync Returns a collection of ISlab instances
Public methodGetSlopesAsync Returns a collection of ISlopedConstructionPlane instances
Public methodGetSolverModelsAsync Returns a collection of solver models for given analysis types
Public methodGetStructuralWallsAsync Returns a collection of IStructuralWall instances
Public methodGetSubModelsAsync Returns the ISubModels instance
Public methodGetSupportsAsync Returns a collection of ISupport instances
Public methodGetTotalCarbonMassAsync Returns the total mass of embodied carbon in the whole model (in [kg])
Public methodGetValidationDataAsync Returns the IValidationData instance
Public methodGetWallOpeningsAsync Returns a collection of IWallOpening instances
Public methodGetWindWallsAsync Returns a collection of IWindWall instances
Public methodImportCxlObsolete.
Imports the CXL from given file
Public methodRunAnalyseAllRsaAsync Performs complete response spectrum analysis
Public methodRunAnalyseAllStaticAsync Performs complete static analysis
Public methodRunAnalysisAsync Performs an analysis of requested type over a requested selection of combinations and loadcases
Public methodRunDesignAsync Performs design
Public methodValidateAsync Performs model validation
See Also
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