IHorizontalConstructionPlane Interface

Represents a construction level

Namespace: TSD.API.Remoting.Structure
Assembly: TSD.API.Remoting (in TSD.API.Remoting.dll) Version:
public interface IHorizontalConstructionPlane : IConstructionPlane, 
	IEntity, IHaveId, IHaveIndex, IHaveName, ICanProvideBimData

The IHorizontalConstructionPlane type exposes the following members.

Public propertyElementGroupName Gets the name of the element group
(Inherited from IEntity)
Public propertyEntityType Gets the type of the entity
(Inherited from IEntity)
Public propertyId Gets the ID
(Inherited from IHaveId)
Public propertyIndex Gets the index
(Inherited from IHaveIndex)
Public propertyIsFloor Gets a value indicating whether the level is specified as a floor
Public propertyLevel Gets the height at which the level is (in [mm])
Public propertyLongReference Gets the long name of the level
Public propertyName Gets the name
(Inherited from IHaveName)
Public propertyPlane Gets the base plane of this construction plane
(Inherited from IConstructionPlane)
Public propertyShortReference Gets the short name of the level
Public propertySlabThickness Gets the thickness of slabs (in [mm])
Public propertySourcePlaneId Gets the ID of the source level
Public propertyType Gets the type of the level
Public methodGetBimDataAsync Returns the IBimData associated with this object
(Inherited from ICanProvideBimData)
Public methodGetConstructionHelpersAsync Returns a collection of IConstructionHelper instances
(Inherited from IConstructionPlane)
See Also
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