fsresCompanyData Properties

The fsresCompanyData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAny
Public propertyBillingAddress
Public propertyCompanyCode
Code identifying the company.
Public propertyCompanyName
Company name. For sole proprietors use the person's first and last names.
Public propertyContact
Public propertyEmailAddress
Email address
Public propertyFaxNumber
Facsimile number. Prefix country codes with "+".
Public propertyFirmType
"Firm type" is how FabSuite categorizes company records. Possible choices include: "Architect" (Used for Architectural firms) "Associate" (Used for …) "Client" (Used for …) "Coating" (Used for subcontract surface prep, coating, and galvanizing firms) "Contractor" (Used for…) "Customer" (Used for contracting companies. This is the company that pays the FabSuite User) "Detailer" (Used for detailing firms) "Engineer" (Used for engineering firms) "Erector" (Used for firms that will be erecting steel on the job site) "Fabricator" (Used for firms that will be acting as fabricators) "Owner" (Used for firms that will ultimately own the project) "Subcontractor" (Used for subcontracting firms) "Supplier" (Used for vendors and other companies that PO's will be issued to) "Unknown" (Used when you don't know or don't want to guess the firm type)
Public propertyNotes
Notes about the company. Carriage returns are acceptable. Rich and HTML formatting will not be preserved.
Public propertyPhoneNumber
Telephone number. Prefix country codes with "+". Prefix extensions with either "ext.:" or "x:"
Public propertyShippingAddress
See Also
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