fsreqValCutListItem Class

Validates that a cutting detail and inventory stock is valid. Either CutListItemID or CutListSerialNumber must be specified. Either InventorySerialNumber or (PONumber AND HeatNumber) must be specified.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FabSuiteRequestApi
Assembly:  FabSuiteRequestApi (in FabSuiteRequestApi.dll) Version: (
[XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://www.fabsuite.com/xml/fabsuite-xml-request-v0108.xsd")]
public class fsreqValCutListItem : fsreqCommand

The fsreqValCutListItem type exposes the following members.

Public methodfsreqValCutListItem
Initializes a new instance of the fsreqValCutListItem class
Public propertyAPILog
Indicates if this command should be logged to the database. The command must be of a type that supports logging to the database in order to take effect. Currently the commands supporting this option are: TFSCut
(Inherited from fsreqCommand.)
Public propertyBillOfLadingNumber
B/L # of the inventory stock used. Has no effect if InventorySerialNumber is specified.
Public propertyCommandGUID
A GUID identifying this particular XML command. If a command fails due to a communication failure the client has no way of knowing if it has been processed. Each command that makes changes (as opposed to just retrieving data) will check the CommandGUID against the GUIDs that have already been processed. If the GUID has already been processed then it will not be re-processed and instead return with an error. This allows the client to saftely re-try a failed command without risking unintended changes.
(Inherited from fsreqCommand.)
Public propertyCountryOfOrigin
Country of origin of the inventory stock used. Has no effect if InventorySerialNumber is specified.
Public propertyCutListItemID
Unique ID of the cutting detail on a cut list.
Public propertyCutListSerialNumber
Serial number from the FabSuite report: Shop PC/PO Cutting List w/ Barcodes.
Public propertyExernalNestID
Index into ExternalNests table for nest being cut.
Public propertyHeatNumber
Heat # of the inventory stock used. Has no effect if InventorySerialNumber is specified.
Public propertyHeatSerialNumber
Heat Serial # of the inventory stock used. Has no effect if InventorySerialNumber is specified.
Public propertyIncludeCNCData
true - CNC data will be retrieved for the parts on the cutting detail. Has no effect if IncludeCutListItemParts=false.
Public propertyIncludeCutListItemParts
true - Information on the parts in the cutting detail will be retrieved.
Public propertyInventorySerialNumber
Serial number of the inventory stock used.
Public propertyLocation
Inventory location of the inventory stock used. Has no effect if InventorySerialNumber is specified.
Public propertyNestID
Nest ID or barcode for nest being cut.
Public propertyPartNumber
Inventory part # of the inventory stock used. Has no effect if InventorySerialNumber is specified.
Public propertyPONumber
PO # of the inventory stock used. Has no effect if InventorySerialNumber is specified.
Public propertySecondaryLocation
Inventory secondary location of the inventory stock used. Has no effect if InventorySerialNumber is specified.
Public propertyValidateForCut
true - Does an extra step of validation to make sure that the inventory material is in stock and ready to be cut.
See Also
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