fsreqTFSManual Class

Processes a manual Take From Stock on a piece of inventory stock.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FabSuiteRequestApi
Assembly:  FabSuiteRequestApi (in FabSuiteRequestApi.dll) Version: (
[XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://www.fabsuite.com/xml/fabsuite-xml-request-v0108.xsd")]
public class fsreqTFSManual : fsreqCommand

The fsreqTFSManual type exposes the following members.

Public methodfsreqTFSManual
fsreqTFSManual class constructor
Public propertyAPILog
Indicates if this command should be logged to the database. The command must be of a type that supports logging to the database in order to take effect. Currently the commands supporting this option are: TFSCut
(Inherited from fsreqCommand.)
Public propertyApprovalStatus
The approval status of the material to TFS.
Public propertyBillOfLadingNumber
The B/L # of the material to TFS.
Public propertyCamber
The camber of the material to TFS.
Public propertyCategory
The category of the material to TFS.
Public propertyCommandGUID
A GUID identifying this particular XML command. If a command fails due to a communication failure the client has no way of knowing if it has been processed. Each command that makes changes (as opposed to just retrieving data) will check the CommandGUID against the GUIDs that have already been processed. If the GUID has already been processed then it will not be re-processed and instead return with an error. This allows the client to saftely re-try a failed command without risking unintended changes.
(Inherited from fsreqCommand.)
Public propertyCountryOfOrigin
The country of origin of the material to TFS.
Public propertyDeliveryDate
The Delivery Date of the material to TFS.
Public propertyDimensions
The dimensions of the material to TFS.
Public propertyFromManualTFS
Restrict the available inventory items to TFS to those that are unreserved, uncombined or have no length field.
Public propertyGrade
The grade of the material to TFS.
Public propertyHeatNumber
The Heat # of the material to TFS.
Public propertyHeatSerialNumber
The Heat Serial # of the material to TFS.
Public propertyInventorySerialNumber
Serial # of the barcode label on the inventory material.
Public propertyJobNumber
The Job # of the material to TFS.
Public propertyLength
The length of the material to TFS.
Public propertyLocation
The Location of the material to TFS.
Public propertyLotNumber
The lot # of the material to TFS.
Public propertyMillOfOrigin
The mill of origin of the material to TFS.
Public propertyPartNumber
The Part # of the material to TFS.
Public propertyPayCategory
The pay category of the material to TFS.
Public propertyPDCFinish
The part finish of the material to TFS.
Public propertyPDCRemark
The part remark of the material to TFS.
Public propertyPONumber
The PO # of the material to TFS.
Public propertyProductionCode
The production code of the material to TFS.
Public propertyProductionControlLoadID
If specified, then the production load to add the stock to.
Public propertyQuantity
The quantity to TFS.
Public propertyReferenceNumber
The Reference # of the material to TFS.
Public propertyRemarks
The Remarks of the material to TFS.
Public propertyRoute
The route of the material to TFS.
Public propertyRTSJobNumber
The job to reserve the drop for.
Public propertyRTSLength
The drop length.
Public propertyRTSLocation
The location the drop is returned to.
Public propertyRTSSecondaryLocation
The secondary location the drop is returned to.
Public propertyRTSWidth
For plates the drop width.
Public propertySecondaryLocation
The Secondary Location of the material to TFS.
Public propertySequence
The sequence of the material to TFS.
Public propertyShape
The shape of the material to TFS.
Public propertyShippingRoute
The shipping route of the material to TFS.
Public propertySubCategory
The sub-category of the material to TFS.
Public propertySupplier
The Supplier of the material to TFS.
Public propertyTFSCategory
The category to take the material from stock.
Public propertyTFSDate
The date of the TFS operation.
Public propertyTFSJobNumber
The job to take the material from stock.
Public propertyTFSLotNumber
The lot to take the material from stock.
Public propertyTFSReleaseNumber
The release # to take the material from stock.
Public propertyTFSSequence
The sequence to take the material from stock.
Public propertyTFSSubCategory
The sub-category to take the material from stock.
See Also
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